Risks often oversleep

Most sleep potentially exposed to diseases such as below:HeadacheThe researchers believe that the habit of sleeping too long can interfere with neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin. Applies also sleep too long disaiang day for staying up all night.Obesity or overweightWhich is usually already known to many people, which can affect our weight. Sleep nine to ten hours a day had a risk of obesity than those who slept only seven to eight hours per day.DiabetesDiabetes is a disease that is related to blood sugar levels. This blood sugar may rise or fall not only because of makanan.Pola sleep was also able to disrupt the stability of sugar darah.Penelitian said, people mostly sleep could potentially improve blood sugar that trigger diabetes.Heart diseaseA study from the Nurses Health Study says 72,000 women who slept nine to eleven hours per day had a 38% risikio heart disease. Most sleep could also potentially a stroke.DeadSeveral studies have shown a habit of sleeping more than nine hours leads to a situation that depressive and Low Socioeconomic, causing premature death.Hiii, it reversed its tasty lunch snoring could actually trigger the explosion of a time bomb severe disease in tubuh.Seperti quoted Medicmagic
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